Monday, November 1, 2010

Hamakuapoko- between Paia and Haiku

This place was once a thriving plantation with sugar tycoons' mansions now razed. The remaining structures is the former location of Maui High School which is now a research facility. People say that there are many ghosts that roam around the location. Theses ghosts range from ancient Hawaii to the missionary and plantation days which means that there are a lot of ghosts that roam the area. Among these are choking ghosts who choke students playing hooky. In Maui High, there are reports of a girl who haunts the girls' bathroom. You can hear her crying and sobbing behind the now boarded up bathroom door. Below are some pictures of Hamakuapoko.

The Hamakuapoko beach- so beautiful!

A suspicious fire gutted half of the main building at the Maui High School.

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