Monday, October 4, 2010

Thornwood Castle

Thornwood Castle is located in Washington, in the city of Lakewood. Today it serves for a popular bed and breakfast, perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway. The construction began in 1908 and was completed in 1911. Most of the unique architecture came from England because the owner, Chester Thorne, wanted to ensure that the home was built to hold against time and weather. As time went on, many who came to know this home inside and out believe that this seems to be a gateway to the spiritual world.

People who visit this American castle say that there is a sense of peace and calm that seems to come out of the walls themselves. If seems as if this building is a fortress of spirit and positive life energy. No matter where you go in the castle there seems to be no evil presence lingering here. Many claimed that they have experiences intelligent hauntings where spirits want to communicate with the living. There even seems to be angelic presences that appear to want to protect the building, as well as all those who enter the property and the building.

So this is a different type of haunting. Nothing too dramatic or scary. Just....well....peaceful and good.
Below are some pretty cool pictures of the Inn:

This Inn seems to be very romantic and beautiful. And very peaceful. Speaking of, here is also a photo of an angel seen in the building.
Now, how cool is that?! When you go there, not only do you get a very lovely and romantic place to stay,but you also get comfort and a protector.

1 comment:

  1. This actually looks really pretty! I really like the picture of the newlyweds.
